
Blessing is a young Nigerian girl whose life shown here contains the common building blocks of a wide range of stories about young people, from Nigeria, the African country known as the big black elephant (due to its oil wealth), who are migrating through a people trafficking network, mainly for sexual exploitation in Europe. Her original name is Irioweniasi. It means that nobody is strong enough to pull the string on the moon and bring it down, nobody can snatch the life from someone who is cared for. She crosses half of Africa by land, as happens in most cases, taking a little over three years, during which she will amass damage, strategies and strength. This film is interwoven with the voices of professionals who work to prevent people trafficking and the protagonists who are in some way linked to it. Through a process to recover their story through art, they are able to speak to us, make demands and suggestions.

Full Cast and Crew

Director: Inmaculada Antolínez Esperanza Jorge
Producer: Intermedia Producciones

Inmaculada Antolínez

Esperanza Jorge

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