ODS 10. Reducción de las desigualdades
ODS 16. Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas
ODS 5. Igualdad de género
ODS 17. Alianza para lograr los objectivos
Colombia - Spain, 2017 - 25'
The women of Colombia take the floor and become authors and narratorf of their own history, and they allow us to understand the differentiated impact of the armed conflict in the territories of Antioquia, Choco, Valle del Cauca and Cauca. Through this participatory video we are witnesses to the construction of a collective narrative in several voices, with different colours, accents and nuances, but with the same strategies of resistance and vision of a Colombia in peace.


The women of Colombia take the floor and become authors and narratorf of their own history, and they allow us to understand the differentiated impact of the armed conflict in the territories of Antioquia, Choco, Valle del Cauca and Cauca. Through this participatory video we are witnesses to the construction of a collective narrative in several voices, with different colours, accents and nuances, but with the same strategies of resistance and vision of a Colombia in peace.

Full Cast and Crew

Director: LolaMora Producciones

LolaMora Producciones

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